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Last update: December 21 2024
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Quick Response or a QR code is barcode which use to describes a text, links or any other sensitive details. Easily get information from the QR code by scanning from Smartphones and Mobile handsets.

QR Code Generator is best way to share your information on single scan. This website provide the solution of QR codes. You can easily generate your details by using this website.

QR code (Quick Response) code can store any kind of data init. We can easily store links, text, Whatsapp Messages, Email Address, Phone numbers, vCard(Personal Business Information), WI-FI credentials, Event Data, Restaurant Menu, etc.

QR (Quick Response) code is free to generate. Offers you to generate any kind of QR code data at free of coast.

Static QR Code: A static QR Code is once QR code generated than data cannot be changed. If you want to change data in QR code you need to re-generate it.
Dynamic QR Code: A dynamic QR Code is once QR code generated than data can be changed dynamic. If you want to change data in QR code you don't need to re-generate it.

Yes! you can easily customize your QR code. You can add your logo upon the QR Code and you can make QR with colors.

You can scan a QR Code by your smartphone's camera, Some of latest devices are allow you to direct scan QR code from the camera but some old mobiles are not allows direct scan from camara here you need to install some application for Scan the QR codes.

Yes! but if you use dynamic QR code for your websites.

Static QR code never expired However Dynamic QR Code may expire or stop working if you have canceled your subscription of QR code Provider or if your website will stop It will not work.

Yes, it is possible to print your QR Code on any material like on papers, walls, Business cards, brochure, flyers and also product packaging.Just make sure your QR code is clearly visible for scanners.

Yes, If QR Code leads to an online data like website access. In such case there is no need to use internet like data is offline like mobile number or plain text etc.